
About Pura Spring

Gilgit-Baltistan mountains made Pura spring water naturally pure at its highest level. And Our lab test results are exceptionally magnificent. Our team, with an enormous love for nature and healthy lifestyle. But put their efforts together to make every drop of Pura Spring water a special experience. So, Pura Spring can turn your day into a great one. There are no harmful chemicals, minerals, or other contaminants. Pura Spring water is exceptionally pure, available in a variety of sizes. We are now aiming to build on that progress by focusing our efforts on introducing the planet's. And the finest water for your healthy lifestyle. So for healthy living, we would always recommend to DRINK PURASPRING.

                                                                             WATER CHARACTERISTICS

As a company, we take a lot of pride in putting our effort into the creation of Pura Spring, and we believe in living with a sense of purpose. We’re passionate about what’s happening in the world, beyond how we can play a part in it. We hope to become a circular brand and come up with new exciting products from nature to the world. With every bottle of pura spring comes peace of mind. And knowing that it is absolutely the world’s purest, softest and smoothest water available.

There are no harmful chemicals, minerals, or other contaminants. Pura Spring water is exceptionally pure, available in a variety of sizes and bottles (500ml & 1 L) to match your needs. Also Including 100% recyclable bottles, with the finest quality polymer used. This water has to total dissolved solids (TDS) of 4 parts per million– naturally. When drawing water from the PURASPRING source. So, we have always taken care to maintain its natural replenishment to ensure its continued availability, both today and in the future.

The quality of our water starts with the quality of our processing. From the Natural Springs to our esteemed consumers. Everything in nature is intertwined: if we are to preserve PURASPRING natural premium spring water. So, Which is in the vast mountains of GILGIT-BALTISTAN, it is vital that we protect the resources and for that we have been certified to process. And The units as per international and W.H. O standards practicing all its quality controlled measures.